Families in need find tons of toys during distribution at SUNY Oswego
Office of Communications and Marketing
'Twas Dec. 17 and all through Swetman Gym, not a toy was stirring as legions of fun gifts awaited their new owners -- delighted children from families in need throughout Oswego County.
After the stirring had ended for the 2017 Oswego County Children's Fund distribution, more than 1,000 toys had found new homes.
The Children's Fund operates through a committee of volunteers comprised of employees from Oswego County Social Services, Catholic Charities, United Way, Oswego County Hospice, and SUNY Oswego, as well as many other community volunteers.
SUNY Oswego this year held its 30th consecutive Toy Drive, thanks to the leadership of Casey Walpole of Facilities Services, volunteers assisting the collection across campus, and hundreds of faculty, staff and students who plucked gift suggestions from trees set up in building lobbies and contributed to the drive.