Leadership Oswego County recruiting for Class of 2020
Office of Communications and Marketing
Leadership Oswego County, a SUNY Oswego-administered, business-sponsored program to actively grow and nurture community leaders and stewards, has an Aug. 19 application deadline for up-and-coming individuals with exceptional leadership potential to join the 2019-20 class.
Leadership Oswego County is a community program administered by SUNY Oswego’s Office of Business and Community Relations. The program explores community trusteeship, leadership skills, current issues and networking with a diverse group of community residents.
Leadership Oswego County prepares a select group of county residents to become the community stewards of the future. This group embarks on a nine-month course of intensive study of Oswego County and its resources, vital issues of today and visioning for tomorrow.
Key community members mentor and share with participants the skills and knowledge needed to be effective leaders. Graduates of the program are better prepared to serve the community in the roles of board member, citizen, employee or volunteer with organizations that serve Central New York.
The $975 tuition expense covers travel to and from LOC’s Retreat on Sept. 19 and 20 in Oswego County at Tailwater Lodge, as well as the overnight stay, a scenic bus tour of Oswego County, one complimentary ticket for graduation (dinner included) and breakfast, lunch and snacks provided each class day. Scholarships are available.
Visit www.oswego.edu/loc to apply or for more information.