Ariel Gutman-Gates (center), a junior psychology major, displays the plaque for his 2019 Newman Civic Fellow award, Campus Contact’s leadership opportunity for community-committed students around the nation. Among other service roles at SUNY Oswego, Gutman-Gates demonstrated particular passion and hard work in growing SHOP, the college’s program for students who struggle with food insecurity. From left are Mary Toale, executive assistant to President Deborah F. Stanley; Alyssa Steele of New Student Orientation (Gutman-Gates has served as a Laker Leader, too); students Olivia Harrington, Emily Ziemba, Kyle Meade, Gutman-Gates, Cherilynn Miller, Kaitlyn Vanriper and Emily Dittmar; Catherine Farrell of Community Services; Christy Huynh of Career Services; and Wayne Westervelt, Communications and Marketing, the college’s chief communication officer.