Around the SUNY Oswego campus
Oct. 11, 2023

SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu delivered his inaugural State of the University Address, which laid out his Vision 4040 — a plan to double the number of graduates from 2,000 annually or 20,000 per decade to 4,000 annually and 40,000 per decade by 2040. His speech Sept. 28 in Waterman Theatre also reminded the Laker family of all the benefits provided by higher education, including opportunities for social mobility, increased income earning potential, higher participation in civic and volunteer opportunities, and, of course, a lifelong connection to this storied institution.

President Peter O. Nwosu talks with health promotion and wellness faculty member Sandy Bargainnier, who was among the many students, faculty and staff attending the reception for his State of the University Address Sept. 28 in Tyler Hall's Waterman Theatre.

An aerial view shows a large turnout of members of the Laker family sporting their colors for Green and Gold Day on Friday, Sept. 29.

Laker pride was on full display on Green and Gold Day as students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends gathered with President Peter O. Nwosu on Sept. 29 for the annual Green and Gold Day photo during the start of Founder’s Weekend.

Birthday cakes in Penfield Library highlight the 200th birthday celebration in honor of the institution’s founder Edward Austin Sheldon, who was born on Oct. 4, 1823.

The 2023 Scholars Brunch brought together nearly 300 scholarship recipients, benefactors and university community members to share appreciation for each other and SUNY Oswego. Speakers at the Sept 30 annual event in Marano Campus Center –- among them, James Triandiflou '88 along with Dianora De Marco '14 M'15 (pictured on stage) –- highlighted the significant impact philanthropy makes on students, donors and the SUNY Oswego campus.

Former President Deborah F. Stanley and Michael Stanley attended the Scholars Brunch on Sept. 30 in Marano Campus Center, in the arena named in her honor.

Justin Dobrow '17 (center), senior manager of partner operations for Peacock at NBCUniversal, received the Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) award at the Communication Studies Alumni Dinner on Sept. 30. He is joined in this photo by his wife Kalie Dobrow ‘16 (left) – now senior supervisor, social strategy at Edelman – and Laura Kelly ‘09, director of alumni and parent relations.

The Communication Studies Alumni Dinner on Sept. 30, part of Founder’s Weekend, invited Oswego graduates back to campus to network with current students and their fellow Laker alumni. This year's edition included a large turnout of all ages.

Fritz Messere '71 – the founding dean of the School of Communication, Media and the Arts and a longtime communication students faculty member – speaks at the Communication Studies Alumni Dinner on Sept. 30.

The 37th ALANA (African, Latino, Asian and Native American) Multicultural Leadership Conference featured an opening keynote by Curtis Hill on diversity, equity and inclusion and on leadership, on Sept. 28 in the Sheldon Hall ballroom. Through storytelling, student engagement and humor, Hill helps students create a culture of belonging in school, work and life. The event also was a collaboration with the I Am Oz Diversity Speakers Series.

The 37th ALANA Conference included a Saturday keynote speech by Justin Brantley '15, M'16 in Marano Campus Center on Sept. 30. The luncheon with Brantley –- now an associate with the Pine Groves Partners firm –- was followed by five breakout sessions and then an alumni panel. The conference theme this year was “Planting Seeds for Tomorrow's Leaders.”

Students, faculty, staff and President Peter O. Nwosu participated in the annual ALANA Peace Walk Oct. 1, which began with speakers at Oswego City Hall and ended at the SUNY Oswego Marano Campus Center. Part of the 37th ALANA Multicultural Leadership Conference, the event is sponsored by Black Student Union and Student Engagement and Leadership.

The James A. Triandiflou Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Transformative Practice held an open house on Sept. 28 where alumni and the campus community joined an engaging gathering featuring speakers who shared some of their experiences, interactive games, delightful food and great enthusiasm. James Triandiflou '88, for whom the institute is named, was on hand to offer remarks for the event.

The campus community gathered for the National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month group photo at Culkin Hall on Sept. 19, followed by a walk around the lagoon in remembrance of the late Mary Gosek. SUNY Oswego's SEFA (State Employees Federated Appeal) campaign continues the Totally Teal campaign for fundraising and awareness in this annual event in September. Gosek was a 30-year SUNY Oswego employee who helped lead the Totally Teal efforts, to raise awareness and funds for the cause. Proceeds from the event support Peaceful Remedies, a local organization founded by Gosek that aims to holistically improve the healing experiences of those with life-altering illnesses.

The Fall 2023 Scholarly and Creative Activities Poster Symposium held Sept. 8 in Sheldon Hall ballroom showcased a range of student research subjects. Najiyah Williamson (pictured) talks with biological sciences faculty member Peter Newell about her research, conducted with Susan Hammerly, Jennifer Olori and Nicholas Sard, titled “A Comparative Study of PCR-based Assays: Surveying for Ranavirus In Oswego County.”

SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu and Assistant Vice President of Workforce Innovation and External Relations Kristi Eck participated in SUNY DC Day in Washington, D.C. to advocate for continued and new federal support to advance the vision and priorities of SUNY and SUNY Oswego. Here President Nwosu meets with SUNY Chancellor John B. King and SUNY Board Trustee Eunice A. Lewin.

During SUNY D.C. Day, SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu Assistant Vice President of Workforce Innovation and External Relations Kristi Eck had the opportunity to meet with many officials and representatives, including President Nwosu connecting with U.S. Senator and Majority Leader Charles Schumer.

During SUNY D.C. Day, SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu and Assistant Vice President of Workforce Innovation and External Relations Kristi Eck met with representatives including U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

During SUNY D.C. Day, SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu and Assistant Vice President of Workforce Innovation and External Relations Kristi Eck met with representatives including U.S. Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.

Six Laker alumni officially joined the Oswego State Athletic Hall of Fame at an induction ceremony and dinner Sept. 23 in the Sheldon Hall ballroom. The latest honorees include, from left, Andrew Clapp ’96, baseball; Robyn Bramoff Mott ’04, basketball and field hockey; Heidi Armstrong ’08, women’s volleyball and track and field; Kevin Morgan ’08, swimming and diving; and Chad Burridge ’12, basketball. Not pictured is inductee Jon Whitelaw ’13 M’18, men’s hockey, who was unable to attend.

Bill Spinnelli (foreground), a class ‘84 alumnus, pauses for a photo with students in Graig Arcuri's (back left) “Real Estate Finance” class. The president and owner of Titan Homes, Spinnelli spoke during a recent class visit, part of the Alumni Sharing Knowledge program (ASK).

Holly Reitmeier '17 M'18 and Jim Triandiflou '88, both with Box Score Consulting, speak in Holly Reickert’s “Marketing Principles” class in the School of Business. Part of the Alumni Sharing Knowledge program (ASK).

President Peter O. Nwosu spoke to CenterState CEO on Sept. 26 as part of its “Leadership Lessons from 7 Inspirational Influencers” series. Shown doing an introduction is event emcee Marie Morelli, the editorial/opinion lead for and The Post-Standard.

Study abroad fairs, organized on campus by the Office of International Education and Programs, give interested students a place to stop by tables to find out about programs offered by SUNY Oswego and the many other universities and agencies offering study abroad opportunities. Student mentor Jack Hyland-Sam (pictured at left) talks during one such fair held Sept. 13 in Marano Campus Center with students about SUNY Oswego's programs.

A kayaking and fishing day was held at Glimmerglass Lagoon on campus on Sept. 23 where students caught some fish and enjoyed a relaxing day on the water. Sustainability Office interns Kristen Hogan and Dan Griffin are pictured enjoying a beautiful fall day on the pond during the event.

Fire extinguisher practice and hands-on demonstrations were part of Fire Safety Day on Sept. 23. Students had the opportunity to practice putting out live fires with portable fire extinguishers. The event hosted by Facilities Services, University Police and Oswego Town Fire Department was held in the Culkin Hall parking lot.

SUNY Oswego's theatre season will open with "The Importance of Being Earnest" written by Oscar Wilde and directed by theatre faculty member Steven Mazzoccone. Cast members Cobey Lloyd (foreground), in the role of Algernon, and Ian Katz, who plays lead character Jack/Earnest, are pictured reading through their lines during a recent rehearsal, while in back are cast members Tori Evanchick and Ariana Palmer. The show runs Oct. 18 to 22 in Tyler Hall's Waterman Theatre.

University Police hosted its latest “Coffee with a Cop” outreach session on Oct. 4 on the Marano Campus Center concourse, with more than 100 students, faculty and staff stopping by the tables.