10/26/06 revision by Jean Chambers

  • Charge: The Committee on Academic Quality [CAQ] advises the Provost and other offices and bodies regarding initiatives and changes aimed at improving the academic quality of SUNY Oswego.
  • Membership: The members of the CAQ are volunteers from faculty and professional staff who are interested in serving. They may express their interest to the Committee on Committees or to the Chair. If an important constituency is not represented, the Committee will actively seek such representation. Members serve for a term of one year at a time, at their pleasure. Any member who does not attend Committee meetings for an entire academic year may be removed from the membership roster. However, he or she may rejoin the committee at any time. Members who wish to participate from one year to the next should register their preference with the Committee on Committees. The Chair is elected by the members each spring and serves for a term of the next academic year.
  • Voting: As a deliberative advisory body, the CAQ has no legislative power and therefore aims at consensus. Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail if informal discussion requires more structure. If a vote on a particular recommendation is deemed necessary, a majority of the members present, provided a quorum of five members is present, will suffice to pass the recommendation.
  • Meetings: The Committee aims to meet several times per semester, depending upon the availability of common meeting times.
  • Agenda: The Chair will circulate a draft agenda by email prior to each meeting and will provide a paper copy of the agenda and whatever previous minutes remain to be approved at the beginning of each meeting.
  • Recorder and Minutes: Non-chair members of the Committee will take turns recording the minutes and providing a copy to the Chair. Minutes of every meeting will be kept and circulated to the members. Approved minutes will be sent to the Provost’s Office.
  • Consultation: The Committee will attempt to consult with expert and interested parties regarding the various issues under consideration.
  • Communication and Reports: The Committee will report to the Faculty Assembly and the Provost’s Office at reasonable intervals, at least once each academic year.