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May 10 event to showcase opportunities with local non-profits, community organizations

April 7, 2023

The SUNY Oswego Office of Business and Community Relations (OBCR) and its Leadership Oswego County (LOC) program will host its second annual Nonprofit Boards and Community Activism Fair from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12, at the Roy C. McCrobie Building, 41 Lake St. in Oswego.

Arts + culture

'Romeo and Juliet' to open April 19 in 'quick, action-packed' production

April 6, 2023

SUNY Oswego’s Theatre Department will produce “Romeo and Juliet” for the first time in 30 years – and director Steven Mazzoccone, cast and crew are focusing on making this piece appealing and accessible to a wide audience.

Honors Convocation to recognize students’ academic achievements

April 5, 2023

Honors Convocation – sponsored by Vega, the Junior and Senior Women's Honor Society – is held annually to recognize students who have demonstrated excellence in their field of study and/or service to the SUNY Oswego community.

Science + technology

Zoology major’s project works toward safer flightpaths for birds

March 31, 2023

Senior zoology student Brooke Goodman is working toward saving the lives of birds on the SUNY Oswego campus by adding window stickers to buildings around campus to divert feathered friends from them.

SUNY Oswego celebrates ongoing partnership with Syracuse City School District

March 30, 2023

Representatives from SUNY Oswego, including administrators, faculty and students, celebrated an ongoing partnership at the Syracuse City School District (SCSD) Educational Foundation Recognition Breakfast on Saturday, March 25.

Arts + culture

Work of music faculty featured on new record

March 29, 2023

SUNY Oswego professor Eric Schmitz composed a CD with his brother and father, titled “ACE Composers Ⅱ,” which also features work fellow music faculty members Rob Auler and Daniel Wood.

Student life

'Hot Ones' YouTube host to speak on campus April 14

March 29, 2023

SUNY Oswego will host "Getting Spicy with Sean Evans," featuring the popular YouTube star, at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 14, in the Deborah F. Stanley Arena and Convocation Hall, Marano Campus Center.

Science + technology

Physics professor publishes third book with former students

March 28, 2023

Physics professor Carolina Ilie continued a winning collaboration in working with former students to publish “Classical Mechanics: Problems and Solutions” – a textbook to help faculty members and students studying this field of physics.

Arts + culture

Symphoria Woodwind Quintet to perform April 12

March 28, 2023

The Symphoria Woodwind Quintet will perform a concert of classic music as the next installment in the Ke-Nekt Chamber Music Series at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, in the Sheldon Hall ballroom.

Arts + culture

Tyrone Johnson-Neuland featured as emerging artist in exhibition

March 24, 2023

The work of Tyrone Johnson-Neuland, the university's assistant director of instructional technologies, will be on display through May 28 at Schweinfurth Art Center and Cayuga Museum of History & Art, 203 Genesee St. in Auburn.