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Science + technology

CSTEP has successful relaunch, names new director

December 7, 2020

The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) had a successful return to campus, recruiting around 110 students to this program, which helps underrepresented and/or economically disadvantaged students thrive in STEM or professional licensure fields, and naming Christina Vasquez its new director.

Science + technology

Geology class builds futures while probing past

November 30, 2020

Dave Valentino’s “Physical Geology” course is intended to provide a foundation for future geologists. This semester’s course has probed the past around campus while making the present more meaningful for students.

Science + technology

Oswego senior, recent graduate earn first prize at hackathon

November 23, 2020

Recent SUNY Oswego graduate Tonia Sanzo and senior Wyatt Matt earned the top prize at DandyHacks 2020 tournament in late October.

Science + technology

Rice Creek offering live online Exploring Nature, research programs

July 14, 2020

Rice Creek Field Station staff and associates are finding creative ways to connect with the public this summer, including a weekly online Exploring Nature Live and programs on the station's research.

Science + technology

Technology education class produces video tips for working, learning remotely

April 30, 2020

When classes shifted to remote delivery in March, technology education faculty member Mark Springston saw an opportunity for his “Communication/Multimedia Systems” class to do hands-on team learning while creating a video series helping people adjust to their new environments.

Science + technology

Student team wins hackathon prize with inclusive app

April 20, 2020

A SUNY Oswego student team of Alexis Indick, Anisha KC, Bharati Mahajan and Tonia Sanzo won Best User Interface at the WiCHacks competition earlier this year for their app “TRANSition,” which promotes inclusion and connectedness for the LGBTQ+ community.

Science + technology

Rice Creek Field Station hosting free National Arbor Day webinar conference April 24

April 15, 2020

National Arbor Day, a day set aside to celebrate trees, is traditionally marked by tree giveaways and tree planting events. This year, the need for social distancing requires creative solutions -- which the Canal Forest Restoration Project at SUNY Oswego’s Rice Creek Field Station is providing via a free online webinar conference on Friday, April 24.

Science + technology

SUNY Oswego lessons help students win competition, earn deal with startup

April 13, 2020

For Ian Cummins and Theo Johnson, winning the Global Game Jam competition months ago in New York City was just the beginning of an adventure that includes their game’s inclusion in a startup’s new system.

Science + technology

Partnering to produce face shields for the community

April 3, 2020

Educators from SUNY Oswego are putting their skills toward supporting a critical need during the COVID-19 pandemic -- producing protective face shields for healthcare workers and first responders.

Science + technology

Science programs donate 16,600 gloves to support Oswego Hospital

March 27, 2020

Faculty and staff in SUNY Oswego science programs found a way to lend a big hand to the Oswego Hospital by donating 16,600 gloves to Oswego Hospital.