SUNY Oswego’s student-run literary magazine, the Great Lake Review, is getting ready for the biannual release party for its newest edition at The River’s End Bookstore on Thursday, May 6.
The annual OzFest will return on Friday, May 6, with an afternoon of activities culminating in a concert featuring Ari Lennox, B-Lovee and Angelo Mota, starting at 7 p.m. in the Deborah F. Stanley Arena and Convocation Hall.
The college’s Del Sarte Dance Club looks forward to presenting its spring recital on Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9, at Oswego High School – its first performances there since spring 2019.
All students, employees, community members and alumni are invited to participate in the 7th annual Yards for Yeardley, walking to remember and to prevent dating and domestic violence.
The Oswego Ski and Snowboard Club will almost literally move mountains to bring the winter sports experience to campus via the annual Rail Jam from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 18.
"The Return of Del Sarte" will feature the college's long-running dance company staging shows at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21 at 2pm in Tyler Hall's Waterman Theatre.
Campus members came together to “Cram the Van” in the SHOP (Students Helping Oz Peers) event aimed at collecting non-perishable food, clothing and toiletries from students and campus offices to donate to the SHOP pantry.
SUNY Oswego has workshops and a connecting event slated for Nov. 8 to celebrate National First Gen Day, which is dedicated to students who are the first in their families to attend college.