The college has earned three SUNY High Needs grants totaling $197,000 to expand programs in human development, health services administration, and biomedical and health informatics.
The SUNY-wide Office of Academic Affairs and the Provost approved proposals for:
* Expansion and extension of the undergraduate human development program “to meet the need for community and social service workers,” $83,500 for salary and marketing
* The master of business administration in health services administration, $53,500 for promotion and marketing to “develop tomorrow’s health care leaders”
* A second year of support for Oswego’s proposed new biomedical and health informatics master’s degree program, $60,000 for salary and software
The college last year received a High Needs grant of $85,800 for the planned BHI graduate program. SUNY Oswego has partnered with businesses and economic development organizations—including Central New York hospitals and CenterState CEO—to develop a curriculum for helping meet workforce needs in information technology in health care.
With the assistance of earlier High Needs grants, the college has worked with such businesses as Novelis, MedTech and Welch Allyn to fill needs for skilled workers through the software engineering and electrical and computer engineering programs.
SUNY High Needs grants, established in 2006, foster innovation and train the next generation of high-tech workers. Proposals must demonstrate that they would help meet state demand for professionals in such realms as engineering, nursing and other health care occupations, renewable and clean energy, biomedical and biotechnical fields, agriculture, agribusiness and information technology.