Two students and a staff member were recognized recently by their induction into the SUNY Oswego chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honor Society. From left are modern languages and literatures faculty member Patrick Schultz, student honoree Charlie Richardson, staff honoree Daniela Mosko and modern languages and literatures faculty member Ana Djukic-Cocks.
Also recognized by induction into the SUNY Oswego chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honor Society, was student Kayli Timpano, here congratulated by modern languages and literatures faculty member Patrick Schultz.
Two students and a staff member were recognized recently by their induction into the SUNY Oswego chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honor Society.
Kayli Timpano and Charlie Richardson were honored for their outstanding academic achievement in German as well as for their participation in cultural events focusing on the German-speaking countries.
Daniela Mosko, the high school programs coordinator in the university's Division of Extended Learning, was similarly recognized for her strong support of SUNY Oswego’s German language programs.
From different backgrounds, the two students share a common interest in the value of studying German at Oswego.
Hailing from Norwich, Richardson transferred to Oswego to major in German and plans to study abroad next semester through Oswego’s partner institution in Kempten.
Timpano is from Mahopac and will graduate this spring with a major in biology and a minor in German. She has tutored German at Oswego and intends to pursue a graduate degree in the sciences.
Originally from Germany, Mosko works across the state to support the German program. Each year, she assists hundreds of high school students who study German (and other subjects) through the high school programs that partner with SUNY Oswego.
Modern Languages and Literatures Department faculty members Patrick Schultz and Ana Djukic-Cocks welcomed the new members and thanked them for their dedication to German and its attendant cultures.
-- Submitted by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department