Screen team -- Juliet Aires Giglio, an English and creative writing faculty member, and Mic-Anthony Hay, a senior journalism major, will screen their 14-minute documentary on Jewish refugees, "Only 982," at 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, in Marano Campus Center auditorium.
"Only 982," a 14-minute documentary, will screen at 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, in Marano Campus Center auditorium. A question-and-answer session with filmmakers Mic-Anthony Hay, a senior in journalism, and English and creative writing faculty member Juliet Aires Giglio will follow.
During World War II, only 982 refugees from the European Holocaust were allowed into the United States as "guests" of President Franklin D. Roosevelt from August 1944 to February 1946 at Fort Ontario in Oswego. The documentary tells the story of three of the Jewish refugees, cousins Rikica, David and Ella Levi.
The film documents their journey from what was then Yugoslavia to the United States, where they spent 18 months of their childhood at Fort Ontario, a place and time that became known as "Save Haven."
A Scholarly and Creative Activity grant -- encouraging student-faculty collaborations leading to publications or performances -- supported the project.