December graduate Otis Gbala became the first SUNY Oswego alumnus who studied from Liberia, and served as the graduate banner presenter for December Commencement on Saturday, Dec. 16.
The Office of International Education and Programs is offering services to any class, organization, group, faculty or staff who would like to highlight the importance of the Education Abroad programs and experience.
Two SUNY Oswego students were recently inducted into the university's chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honor Society. Marie Parker and Maya Sprague were honored for their outstanding academic achievement in German as well as for their participation in cultural events focusing on the German-speaking countries.
Barry A. Friedman of SUNY Oswego’s School of Business reported a productive time completing a Fulbright Specialist Project at the Hamburg School of Business Administration (HBSA) in Germany.
The SUNY Madrid Summer Studio Art Program, first offered this summer, allows SUNY Oswego art students to immerse themselves in the art culture of Madrid while earning credit toward their degrees.
Public relations professor Lindsay McCluskey and her class recently returned from their study abroad trip to Florence, Italy titled “Travel and Tourism PR."
Distinguished Service Professor Alfred Daniel Frederick of SUNY Oswego's Curriculum and Instruction Department recently continued his global impact on education by presenting to representatives of five nations.
This year’s on-campus Global Awareness Conference on Nov. 1 and 2 will focus on Ghana, with a keynote speaker, dinner and music highlighting this theme, as well as other presentations.
English and creative writing associate professor Neelika Jayawardane is bringing attention to media misrepresentation of protests in Sri Lanka, which she said represent part of a pattern of how outside organizations cover global events.
Starting with a handful of Oswego students heading overseas on Jan. 2, the college has followed a long road back to education abroad –- which is expected to return to nearly full activity for summer and fall 2022.