Francisco Suarez – associate professor in the communications studies department – was recently publicly recognized for his hard work and dedication on and off campus.
Connor Censak, a SUNY Oswego senior majoring in cinema and screen studies, is among the recipients of the 2023 Lake Placid Film Festival Student Summit Scholarship.
The Department of Experiential Course and Engaged Learning won the "Excellence in Employer/Community Collaboration Award" at the SUNY CDO conference in Albany.
Serving as a global expert and dedicated scholar, while advocating for digital human rights, recently earned SUNY Oswego communication students professor Ulises Mejias the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities.
Outstanding work in customer service, technological projects and overall support recently earned Michele May earns the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.
School of Education faculty member Carlo Cuccaro’s exceptional ability to teach, connect with students and provide professional expertise have earned a 2023 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching.
The New York State Broadcasters Association (NYSBA) presented four awards to SUNY Oswego broadcasting students honoring top-tier work in television, radio and digital storytelling.
SUNY Oswego was recently named to Money magazine’s 2023 Best Colleges list that recognized institutions based on quality, affordability and student outcomes.
Dedication to student involvement, engagement and growth have earned Michael (Mike) Paestella, interim director of the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership, the 2023 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service.
Laura Spenceley, dean of SUNY Oswego’s School of Education, was recently named an Impact Academy fellow through national non-profit organization Deans for Impact (DFI).